01/09/2022- 31/08/2024
KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training.
eGreen aims at reinforcing the capacities of two target groups: VET professionals and VET learners. To that end, four tools will be developed:
• Cross-country study on the best practices regarding green digital transformation in Europe
• Development of a kit for VET professionals to reduce their digital footprint on the environment
• Creation of an inclusive training for VET learners on green digital transformation
• Interactive tool to support VET learners to reduce their digital impact.
Target group:
VET professionals and VET learners.
VET professionals:
- Enable VET organisations to get access to measures implemented by other EU
countries, or measures adapted to their own national context.
- Contribute to the dissemination of best practices between VET organisations regarding inclusive green digital transformation.
VET learners:
- Facilitate the development of green skills for VET learners.
- Reduce the overall environmental impact of the digital activities of VET learners
during their international mobilities period.
Objectives of the project are:
• To reinforce the capacities of VET professionals & learners by developing resources to engage them in an inclusive & green digital transformation.
• Valorise the best existing practices for inclusive green digital transformation in the VET sector.
• To Create a pedagogical tool for VET professionals to implement measures toward green digital transformation.
• To Develop a method to inform and engage VET learners in the green digital transformation.
• Enable VET learners to reduce their digital impact on the environment.
The planned project results to be produced and delivered are:
PR1: "Validation of non-formal and informal learning -Analysis of European and National Scenarios"
PR2: “enable an effective dissemination across the EU of the best existing practices regarding inclusive green digital transformation.”
PR3: “Engage VET professionals to contribute to an inclusive green digital transformation.''
PR4: “VET learners are informed and engaged in green digital transformation.”
PR5: ‘VET learners reduce their environmental impact throughout their experience in the VET sector.’’
Cesie (Palermo, Italy)
Association ADICE (Roubaix, France)
Johannes Mihkelsoni Keskus (Tartu, Estonia)
Redial (Dublin, Ireland)
Contact: AnnaBellan- annabellanredial@gmail.com
Project Resources